Jurassica Parka Late Night: Paillette geht immer

  • Oct 17, 2020, 9:30 PM
  • BKA-Theater
Image: Kai Heimberg

Comedy talk show

At this point the late night show from star drag queen Jurassic Parka in BKA has become a regular feature hit and with that comes some drawing power. Following scene giants like Ralf König, this time Deputy Federal Chairman of the SPD Kevin Kühnert (photo) has been announced.



The Berliner Kabaret Anstalt was founded in a tent in Kreuzberg by members of the taboo-breaking troupe of Cabaret des Westens. Since 1988, many reputable artists such as Michael Mittermaier, Rosenstolz, Georgette Dee and Popette Betancor developed their careers at this theater at Mehringdamm.


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