- Jul 13, 2024, 6:00 PM
- Tipi am Kanzleramt
Famous Berlin musical of the 1920's
Queer icon Daniela Ziegler (photo) takes over the role of landlady Fräulein Schneider for the first time in this Vincent Paterson production – a true casting coup! Dennis Hupka also alternates as the gay backstage worker Bobby who flirts with main character Cliff – and as Cliff himself.
More information & tickets: tipi-am-kanzleramt
Regie: Vincent Paterson
Near the Chancellery, the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate, this teepee is home to chanson, variety shows and musical comedy, often with a queer touch. Here, you can see newcomers giving premieres as well as established greats celebrating anniversaries - a culturas institution.