Perlen der Cleopatra

  • Jun 16, 2022, 5:30 PM
  • Komische Oper im Schillertheater
Image: Iko Freese

Inszenierung von Barrie Kosky

This gem of the Komische Oper repertoire is a must-see. Dagmar Manzel shines as the moody and man-eating Egyptian world ruler with a whimsical Berlin dialect. Hilarious dialogue, stunning costumes and queerness en masse!

Komische Oper im Schillertheater


In the sense of French "opéra comique", the Komische Oper offers theater in which music and scenic action are mutually dependent.

Note: From the end of June 2023, the Komische Oper will move to the Schiller Theater in Charlottenburg for 6 years due to extensive renovation.


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Das Branchenbuch mit Haltung
Queer. Divers. Überzeugend.