Jurassica Parka: Paillette geht immer

  • Feb 17, 2024, 10:59 PM
  • BKA-Theater
Image: Doris Belmont

Comedy talk show

Jurassica (photo) can do it! Deep diving or small talk, when the entertainer gives her guests the floor just to immediately take it back from them or switches lightning quick between cheeky jokes and serious interests, anything is possible.




Members of the ‘Cabaret des Westens’ - a troupe where breaking taboos was part of the programme in the 1980s - founded the ‘Berliner Kabarett Anstalt’ in a tent in Kreuzberg. Based in the rooftop theatre on Mehringdamm since 1988, the BKA offers Neuköllnicals, cabaret, comedy, shows, improvisation theatre, concerts, singer/songwriters and musicals.


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