50+ die Nachtschwärmer
- Jul 12, 2024, 5:00 PM
- Mann-O-Meter / MANEO
For gays and bisexual men, every 1st and 3rd saturday
Wechselnde Themen, Anmeldung erbeten
Information and counseling for gay and bisexual boys and men. The center provides advice on physical and mental health, self help groups, special offers for younger and older people, testing for HIV and other STIs and other services. Also the home of the anti-violence initiative MANEO.
#sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten#schwul#Gesundheit#Selbsthilfe#Jugend#Bildung#Anti-Gewalt#bisexuell#Alter#LGBTI*#Gruppen#Beratung